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9 Best MS Office Alternatives for Linux Users

Looking for an MS Post unconventional for Linux? Productivity is an important aspect of any OS or platform in general. Fortunately, Linux does have plenty of productivity tools including office suites.

Alas, big name calling like Mississippi Office or Adobe's suite of apps are not useable for Linux users. And here are the best Microsoft Situatio alternatives connected Linux.

Best Master of Science Office Alternatives for Linux

    1. LibreOffice
    2. Apache OpenOffice
    3. WPS Office‎
    4. SoftMaker FreeOffice
    5. Calligra Suite
    6. Feng Office
    7. Google's G Suite
    8. Zoho Docs
    9. Berth 365


MS Office alternative: Libre Office

LibreOffice is wide considered the record-breaking MS Office alternative on Linux. Information technology's the default business office suite that many Linux desktops and distros embark with. Much of that has to do with the fact that it's open-source and free. Some of that is because it is just that sainted. Of course, it's not Microsoft Office but an alternative and if you'Ra accustomed Microsoft's product, getting wont to Libre Office testament be a challenge at first.

As you usance it though and get comfortable, you'll find Libre Office to be scarce arsenic feature-rich if not more. LibreOffice fundamentally is a furcate of OpenOffice which put-upon to exist recovered acknowledged before LibreOffice happened. Organism an receptive-source software also gives it the advantage of a Brobdingnagian developer pool. Basically, anyone can contribute to the project. Ready to make things easier for those developers, LibreOffice supports extensions.

Therefore, if in that respect is something you reckon it needs, look around and perchance you'll find an extension that adds the feature/social function you need. It's forthcoming for all the three leading desktop operating systems, including Linux.

Download from Website: LibreOffice

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Apache OpenOffice

OpenOffice: Microsoft Office alternative for Linux

OpenOffice shares the same subjacent code as LibreOffice and has quite a great deal popular with it. Its development has lagged behind LibreOffice ascribable the long-playing exploitation cycle. That was actually cardinal of the chief reasons LibreOffice broke off from them to begin with.

Yet, Apache OpenOffice remains a viable MS Office unconventional for Linux. It has long time of development body of work behind information technology and like LibreOffice has cross-platform availability. It offers spate of features for creating documents, presentations, sheets, etc,. Likewise the standard open document format, this disjunctive office suite also supports Microsoft Position formats.

This ensures compatibility between the documents you share or obtain to and from MS Office users.

Download from Website: Apache OpenOffice

WPS Office‎ for Linux

WPS Office Linux

This is a pretty popular Ms. Office alternative on Android, actually, but information technology's also available for Linux, Mac, and Windows. WPS stands for writer, display, and spreadsheets so apparently information technology supports all terzetto. Isolated from all that, it also supports introductory PDF documents. When it originated in June 2013 it was known as Kingsoft Office only has descend a long elbow room since then.

Unlike the previous Linux office suites, WPS Office is not open source and offers both free and premium versions. The premium interpretation includes over 230 fonts, documents collaboration, advanced spreadsheets, documents encryption, etc,. The free variation is nary slouch either.

Both connected flying devices and desktops, the free WPS place cortege offers quite a lot. This includes a late design some Libre Office and OpenOffice appear to lack. It's featured arsenic the nonremittal office rooms on some Linux distros as intimately.

Download from Website: WPS Office

SoftMaker FreeOffice

SoftMaker FreeOffice Linux Office Suite

SoftMaker FreeOffice advertises itself as a Microsoft Post alternative. Naturally, being an MS Office alternate, it is compatible with MS Office document formats. Like WPS Office, this Linux role suite is too not open source and completely unloose. There is, in fact, a premium version just IT's called SoftMaker Office and exists as a totally opposite entity.

On Linux, it offers three apps: Textmaker (Word), PlanMaker (Spreadsheets), and Presentations. All three apps try to mimic the look and feel of their MS Office counterparts. Down of all the Linux office suites mentioned above, this one is the closest to MS Office you can find.

Download from Web site: SoftMaker FreeOffice

Related: 5 free Alternatives to Microsoft Office for Windows and Mac

Calligra Suite

Calligra Suite

Calligra has been in active development for close to 15 years and is one of the oldest Linux office suites. Formally acknowledged as KOffice, Calligra Suite is still a pretty live MS Office alternative. It's settled on Qt and as such gels well with the KDE Plasm desktop environment. It is unmoving available for other platforms American Samoa well though.

Calligra Suite contains a boniface of apps for nigh all kinds of productivity work. This also includes an image manipulation joyride called Krita, which is one of the better Adobe Photoshop alternatives. Other apps in the suite include Calligra Words (word processor), Calligra Sheets (spreadsheet), Calligra Stage (introduction), Calligra Author (put-upon to make Epubs), Calligra Be after (project planner), Calligra Flow (flowchart designer), Karbon (transmitter graphics), Braindump (mind-map and notes application), and Kexi (database handler).

Download from Website: Calligra Suite

Feng Office

Linux Office Suite Feng Office

Feng Office is not quite as popular American Samoa some of the strange Linux office suites on this list. But it is also open origin and is a community maintained MS Part alternative. Information technology lets you create and manage projects, clients, reports, workspaces, documents, workflow processes, etc.

There is besides a professional edition which is not so free. It's best suited for business and team communicating.  The biotic community variation is recommended for personal use, academic research, and not-stage business-critical installations. Feng Office strays a elflike by from your traditional office suites so it's definitely not for everyone.

Download from Website: Feng Office

Google Docs

Google Docs Web-apps

Google's G Suite of web-based apps takes a several approach to office suites than Microsoft Office. It's likely the most popular Microsoft Office alternative across all platforms. Being net-based gives it few advantages in terms of document collaboration and sharing. Let alone you don't have to worry about your estimator crashing in the midway of work.

Schools and educational institutions widely apply Google Docs and information technology is a bad good MS Office alternative. Contempt being an online tool, it does fend for offline saving and redaction. The apps tilt includes Google Docs (word processing system), Sheets (spreadsheet), Drafting (diagrams and flowcharts), Forms (surveys), and Slides (presentation).

Visit the Website: Google Docs

Also read: Windows Software Alternatives For Linux: Adobe Photoshop, MS Office & More

Zoho Docs

Zoho Docs Web apps

Zoho Docs is a World Wide Web-based MS Office alternative suite like Google's G Cortege. Information technology targets mostly the business commercialize. This is why most of you may have ne'er heard of it before. There is a free version available. However, features like online collaboration and offline saving are only available with a premium subscription.

It's a trifle pricey but with Zoho Docs you perform bugger off Humanoid and iOS apps. In that location is also a desktop synchronise guest for Windows, macOS, and Linux. You pot inflict theZoho Docs website for more details.

Download from Website: Zoho Drive

Office 365

Office 365 by Microsoft

You've probably already heard of IT. Spot 365 is Microsoft's answer to Google's "Office in the cloud" plan of attack. It's pretty often what you get with Google Docs only with Microsoft's services instead. For instance, OneDrive replaces Google Drive, an online version of MS Word replaces Google Docs, and thus on.

Office 365 is a stripped-down version of the Disseminated multiple sclerosis Agency Cortege so it lacks many features. Thus, users are limited to basic functionality and the experience is rather sub-par. But if you're not a professional and only want something to look at MS Office documents and hit midget changes here and there Office 365 is a pretty good MS Office alternate.

The port is well-nig exactly the same as Microsoft Position. That is also a huge bonus for ex-Microsoft Office users.

Visit the Website: Office 365

When we switch to open reference, we are expecting everything at free of cost. Linux users can enjoy the exemption, and avilbale all the essential apps for free. Present is the number of best place suite apps for free and work with Linux OS. You seat get free Excel, Word, and Powerpoint alternatives from this list.

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9 Best MS Office Alternatives for Linux Users

Source: https://mashtips.com/ms-office-alternatives-linux/

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